The Unseen | 夢から醒めて | VELVET VIXEN

“I wrote the story myself. It's about a girl who lost her reputation and never missed it.”


Name: Sinéad Bellerose, 'Astra' of the Muruc
Nicknames: Akai Usagi, Red, Loppy
Age: 92
Race/Clan: Viera (Veena)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Kunoichi, Sellsword, Owner of The Velvet Taproom, Hostess
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Not interested - don't try!
Known Family: Njala of the Muruc (mother), Axel Huorlwesfv (half-brother)
Associated Past Colleagues: Tenjou Yamaguchi, Kresimir Ratyasch
Character Inspiration: Nina Williams (Tekken), Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop), Taki (Soul Calibur), B. Jenet (King of Fighters MoTW), Velvet Crowe (Tales of Berseria), Mona DeMarkov (Romeo Is Bleeding), Joan Harris (Mad Men)
Sinead's playlist - Songs that have helped me conceptualize the character


Likes: exquisite 5-star cuisine (Ratatouille, Shepherd's Pie, Doman Tea, Bacon Broth, Dhalmel Fricassee, Exquisite Beef Stew, Honey Bun, Pizza), The Golden Saucer, a neat glass of Blackbelly Whiskey, Opulence & luxury, fine dining and exclusive accommodations, spending, gil by the thousands, testing her strength against her kin, tinkering around with her old gunblade, meditation, gambling, poking her nose into her brother's businessDislikes: Her loppy bunny ears (insecure about this), The Garlean Empire and all things affiliated with it, her ex-lover who left her for dusty grimoires and large sticks, That One Grimoire With Weird Shapes, bland foods, soggy vegetables, gamblingPhysical characteristics: Large cerulean eyes, well-groomed ears but a firey untamed mane of red hair, 6' 3'' tall, buxom, largely soft from her lax diet, notable definition in her abdomen. Often smells of warm vanilla and pink pepper.

I AIN'T SAYIN' SHE A GOLD DIGGER... Sinead's mind is always on the money. For this Veena, money speaks volumes.
A CITY VIERA that struggles to speak her native tongue - while she can be conversational in her dialect, Sinead is mostly communicating in Common and does not often interact with other Viera.
EASTERN FAMILIARITY Sinead has an extensive knowledge and exposure to Hingan culture, is greatly respectful of customs and traditions. Often times Sinead is able to act appropriately for the situation.

boss theme: god of war, sengoku musou 4


On the surface, Sinead seems to be put together. She is a successful (?) business woman, a decorated veteran with an alluring and inviting presence. She exudes a great deal of confidence and will assert herself in any situation that calls for action, a great quality to be admired. Sinead can seem quite flirtatious and seductive–but this is all a facade in order to reach her goals. The dishonesty may be jarring to some, others may find it amusing, but most will never truly know how she feels. She can sit down with a cold ale and exchange pleasantries like any common civilian. But beneath it all, she is a woman wrought by a past she cannot seem to escape.As a result, close comrades will know that Sinead has a slightly cynical, sarcastic and blunt disposition with a short temper to match. She is a naturally distrusting individual who carries the weight of a difficult past and an even more complicated relationship to her kin: the Viera. A veteran of two resistance wars, She is a natural lone wolf and feels not many will understand what she has gone through, opting not to reach out to friends (what little she has) or delve too far into her past. Because of this, Sinead has turned to some vices to drown out the loud noise of shell shock and loneliness. Despite that, the Viera has a bleeding heart to those she deems 'close' friends, or even better: family. It is a difficult barrier to climb as Sinead keeps her walls quite high, but once her loyalty is there, it is unwavering.


Astra, like any Veena, calls the snowy foothills of the Skatay Range “home.” Astra was born among the tribe "Muruc", a small Veena settlement situated at the edge of the Skatay Range. Astra is the only daughter of Njala, a particular Viera with a penchant for interacting with the outside world. Njala was well-versed in speaking Common, understanding currency, trade goods, and perhaps mingling with weary travelers. All this was kept a great secret to her sisters–Njala had lost her ability to speak with the Wood decades ago. Still, she gave birth to a kit whom she named Astra. Like mother, like daughter, Astra was enamored with the outside world and often longed to explore more than just the nearby forests of her village.

The Muruc tribe was not immune to hostilities that came from the outside world. Guardians had always done their best to protect their sacred lands from outsiders, but the Garlean Empire came with heavy artillery and infantry. Some peoples from Rabanastre attempted to escape into the mountains during the onslaught. A few Veena villagers (and Rabanastre civilians) were caught in the crossfire. Njala routed some civilians towards The Burn in an effort to assist. A young Astra, just above the age of 30, begged her mother to hide deeper into the mountains with the rest of the tribe. In the midst of the chaos, Njala was struck by several bullets while Astra was knocked unconscious and seized as a hostage for ransom.Swept by the chaos, Astra was separated from her mother and rescued by the Dalmascan Resistance. Wanting so badly to find her mother, Astra took to her new colleagues right away and briefly trained under a man named Krisimir Ratyasch, a descendent of Gunnhildr's Blades. Soon enough, the young Veena found herself on the battlefield with a gunblade on her back.Led by Ratyasch, the Dalmascan platoon ambushed the Garlean forces but found themselves pinched by reinforcements. Once cornered and outnumbered, the remaining Resistance members became prisoners of war. Ratyasch was slain before the eyes of his platoon before being sent off to work in a camp in Garlean-led Doma.

Once in Doma, Astra and the other prisoners were kept to either work in the fields or become conscripted for the Garlean forces. Not long after their arrival, the Doman Resistance came in the night to liberate the small camp. In swift succession, each commanding officer and their subordinate was taken out without a hitch. Clad in lightweight, dark armor and masked visage, these resistance members had a uniform of their own. When liberated from her station, Astra became inspired by their heroic deeds and mysterious nature. She found a new way to fight back the Garlean military, and subsequently, find her mother in the process. While not easy to fit within the ranks of the House of the Fierce, a peculiar and reclusive Raen by the name of Tenjou Yamaguchi took Astra in as her daughter. There, Astra trained for many years to achieve the rank of jonin and soon became a celebrated student and officer within the Doman Resistance, earning her the nickname "Akai Usagi" – Red Rabbit.

Finding her mother would be no easy feat. In fact, she would forget it at all. While able to push the XIIth Legion with a strong rebellion, there were an exorbitant amount of fatalities on both sides–including Tenjou Yamaguchi. This casualty would haunt Astra for the rest of her life. After Doma had reclaimed their lands and began their restoration, Astra took it upon herself to start venturing out into the rest of Western Eorzea in the hopes she could see the world and find more meaning in her life.When entering into Limsa Lominsa, Astra discarded her forest name to start anew.


➡ Has been recently discharged from the Bozjan Southern Front. Sinead has been paid/awarded for her excellent service. While decorated with honors, the sinking devastation of losing yet another loved one has been haunting her.➡ Sinead has been on jobs that involve hunting voidsent. A higher moral code for Sinead is currently being developed, as civilian trafficking has been going on.➡ Sinead is now a host at some venues to make some extra money to pay off the debts of starting a business.➡ In the process of getting rid of some strange antiquities left at her home by her previous lover. Has completely given up on searching for him.

RIDLEY FAUST | brother-in-arms, friend

TALJA HYSKARIS | colleague, patron

JARI ULVSANGEN | colleague

rp hooks

These hooks are designed to be flexible options and methods of interaction for most characters.

Enjoy a drink in a tavern? Over a game of Mahjong? Or nightlife?
Sinead is a creature of the night. Sinead enjoys reaping the rewards from the Golden Saucer–whether that is playing mahjong, betting on chocobo races, playing jumbo cactpot. The Golden Saucer is Sinead's favorite haunt. So if your character enjoys gambling, drinking, and fogweed, they're probably found a buddy in Sinead. Sinead recently became a businesswoman and now owns a little bar named The Velvet Taproom. If your character finds themselves in Shirogane, missing some of Aldenard's finest spirits, you're welcome to stop by and visit.
Are you an epicurean? Owner of a bakery, a tavern, or a restaurant?
Sinead enjoys everything about fine dining and especially loves to visit different types of restaurants and venues. She will have a good time speaking with a food critic or a chef about delectable delights, cooking, culinary trivia. If you’re an attractive man or woman with a lot of money, she’d be happy to accompany you on a date as long as you are paying (and not expecting more than dinner...the date ends when the bill is paid). There is very little Sinead will not eat. It’s more likely she will have seconds, thirds, and fourths. (If you want to take her on a date, please have a venue/time!)
You investigate and hunt voidsent, she's happy to help.
It is no surprise that voidsent hunting has become quite profitable in recent times. Sinead herself is no stranger to the pursuit of adventure in assisting the removal of voidsent. If your character happens to run a business in investigating, researching or removing voidsent, Sinead will take interest in a job or two for her own personal gains (they’re not sketchy, I promise).

rp hooks

These hooks require a lot more planning OOCly and I am happy to discuss what we can pursue and I can provide you with all the lore you need to make a call.

Trouble with The Syndicate.
Sinead spends a great deal of time…avoiding the upper echelons of U'ldah. If your character has any relation to The Syndicate, the interaction may be anything but friendly. This is an extremely uncommon hook, but be warned. OOCly we can discuss this; no character death or maiming will be involved…but expect a hostile interaction. (I enjoy this type of interaction and am not afraid to pursue it - I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea so I won’t push! :3)
Can you help me get these occult-y books out of my house?
On a search for her estranged lover, Sinead studied and unknowingly exposed herself to the arcane arts, mistaking this for conjury. When he left her, he left her home riddled with strange antiquities and old books with strange symbols. Unexplained events coupled by an understanding of arcane arts leaves Sinead with a love-hate relationship for occult grimoire. However, she does not let just anyone into her humble abode.
Resistance Veterans unite!
Her history is deeply rooted with the resistance. Her time with the Dalmascan Resistance was fairly short, but she fought on both the Bozjan and Doman fronts. Sinead carries respect for anyone who has fought on all of the Resistance fronts against the Garleans. She will have a lot of fun stories to tell, and maybe listen to some new ones over a nice cold ale.
Tenjou Yamaguchi's Unusual Legacy
Tenjou is a highly respected ninja among the Doman Shadow Walkers known for an unconventional style of ninjutsu. Sinead is infamously her adopted "rabbit" daughter and has inherited Tenjou's strict (and unusual) methodology of ninjutsu. If your character is a Shadow Walker, they may have heard of Tenjou's legacy being moved on to a foreigner. The favorable view on this is divided, as Tenjou did not mother any biological daughter. There is something not quite right about her style of ninjutsu.

romance/shipping fine print

I wanted to outline a few things since my characters are single and available and perhaps this is the only thing people look at when they read my carrd. I don't blame you all, since I do enjoy shipping and romance. Some notes about this character that are very important before you try to make your pursuit.

  1. Sinead is not an easy lay. She's finicky and picky about who she gets behind closed doors with but she will flirt and play to her heart's content. I will often reject ERP with Sinead, just because she is not the type to sleep around much.

  2. Sinead has a high race preference for Viera and Elezen that have served in the Bozjan resistance (or any other resistance faction). I understand that this narrows a lot of her choices but OOCly I have very little interest in seeing her with other races. :(

  3. I tend to be very lore abiding and can tolerate certain levels of lore bending. I like to stick within XIV lore and world stuff as much as possible and I expect the same of an RP partner trying to pursue romance.

  4. While yes, I understand my character looks sexually open and maybe 'fun' for a lay or one night stand, oftentimes I do not lean into this. I am uncomfortable with ERP/romance RP that does not have character chemistry or just doesn't make sense.

  5. I do not tolerate possessiveness, jealousy, or misunderstandings especially when it comes to GPOSE. You're going to have to be OK with my character being posed with friends and respect my boundaries as I will respect yours.

  6. I roleplay two characters with heart and soul. If you are not OK with me shipping my other character with someone else's, do not sit here and try to pursue something with Sinead.

  7. This should go without saying... IC =/= OOC. Don't get it twisted. I'm going to block you if you demand more time than I am willing to give.

  8. Sinead is heterosexual (attracted to opposite sex/AMAB and male presenting). Sorry, I do not feel 100% comfortable RPing sexualities I have no personal experience with. >.<

Good rule of thumb for anyone trying to romance a character in roleplay: no means no. There is an extremely high probability I am open to casual encounters but anything deeper than that requires more effort.If you somehow make it past this threshold, we can chat more.



Hi there! I go by Rev or Esper - any of those aliases will work for me. I like RPing most themes: slice-of-life, adventure, combat, romance, dark and mature RP. Overpowered characters, voidsent-born, genetically engineered, Warrior of Light, Scion or echo oriented characters - you may do whatever you wish, but leave Sinead off your list of potential contacts.It goes without saying that the hooks are extremely important and relevant for our characters to have some kind of connection. I try to mirror my paragraph lengths to match my partner's but I am a multi-paragraph writer. As far as lore goes, I am okay with a little bending of the lore, but please no metagaming or godmodding, especially since there is a lot of information on this carrd. I am open to all kinds of connections - enemies, rivalries, friends, lovers - I do love a good story to back all of this up! I'm open to romance RP if the characters mesh/click the right way.I prefer in-game RP to Discord most times, but I know sometimes the situation cannot call for in-game RP as my life is extremely busy every now and then. For Discord RP, do not pester me for replies. IRL always comes first on your end and mine.I also like to /gpose my friend's characters so if you need some screenshots, feel free to ask me!!


Is Mare required for me to RP with you? No. I am happy to roleplay with anyone in my vanilla appearance(s). :D I worked too hard on this alt, manCan we headcanon pre-written history? Some hooks do require a pre-written loose knowledge of eachother’s existence, but I will not accept past lovers, friends, etc from anyone but trusted and close friends.Sinead is flirtatious. Does this mean something? Yes. She has her eye on your wallet or whatever you can offer her in wealth or material goods :)Do you pursue romance RP currently? Can we possibly ship? Nope, Sinead is spoken for. ❤️PLEASE NOTE: I do have more than one RP character that I write and work on and if that bothers you, or you need priority, please invest your romantic RP interests elsewhere.Honor system or dice roll? I prefer dice roll with a simple d20 to keep things fair. The honor system only works for my close friends whom I have RPed with and trust. No godmodding or permanent maim/injury even death. I use combat as a tool to further develop relationships.ERP? I fade to black in story in ALL STORY circumstances. Services are bookable through the venue I work for, if you want to skip all of that.